Toucan series
Book 1
- Introducing basic arithmetic calculations using the abacus.
- Understanding the concepts of place values on the abacus using flash cards and games.
- Exploring and understanding sums related to number bonds 5 and using this to perform additions and subtractions up to 99.
See tb1-sample-pages
See toucan-book-1-list-of-tasks-to-do-and-an-instruction-sheet
Please click Free Toucan 1 trial for a sample of online lessons. You will need to register before you can try out the lessons.
Book 2
- Exploring and understanding sums related to number bonds up to 10.
- Using the number bonds 10 understanding to compute sums with regrouping.
- Introducing mental arithmetic computations.
- Learning 2, 3, and 5 times tables.
See tb2-sample-pages
See Revised TB2-online-lesson-plan
Book 3
- Exploring and understanding subtractions with regrouping.
- Developing mental computations further.
- Introducing simple multiplications.
- All work is timed.
- Extending number bond understanding to 100.
- Learning 4, 6, and 7 times tables.
See tb3-sample-pages
See TB3-online-lesson-plan